Research Experience

  • Software/Hardware Co-design Lab (Sharc Lab) (Aug. 2023 - Present)
    Graduate Researcher

  • Circuits and Systems Lab (CASL) (Feb. 2020 - 2023)
    Undergraduate & Graduate Researcher

    • Project: Intelligent Semiconductor Working for the Multi-Band Smart Radar
      • Designed and implemented recurrent neural network inference system for time series radar data
      • Developed a method of dynamic pruning for instruction-set based neural network inference processor
    • Project: 3D spatial data processing and applied technology research:
      • Developed a method for efficient implementation of activation function in HW and for improving inference speed in neural networks
    • Project: Image and sound fusion technology:
      • Developed a low-latency Convolutional-LSTM based fault diagnosis system for time-series data
  • Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI) (Dec. 2018 - Feb. 2019)
    Leader of Undergraduate Researcher of Autonomous Driving System Research Group

    • Project: Development of Driving Computing System Supporting Real-time Sensor Fusion Processing for Self-Driving Car:
      • Involved in preprocessing data, feeding it to neural network, and running it through jetson board


  • ASPDAC’22 (Online, virtual)

Teaching Experience (2021 - Present)

  • EE439 Embedded Systems Design (Spring 2021, 2022) Korea Aerospace Univ.
  • EE413 Microprocessor (Spring 2021) Korea Aerospace Univ.
  • EE378 Electronic Hardware Design (Fall 2021, 2022) Korea Aerospace Univ.
  • EE342 Digital System Design (Fall 2021) Korea Aerospace Univ.